quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2019

Cabra marcado para morrer

Autorretrato de Gustave Courbet

Tem dia que parece que tudo padeceu
Que o sol não quis brilhar para mim
E nem para os outros quis deixar o riso meu

Tem dia que a companhia é mais triste que a solidão
Que o céu fica nublado somente sobre mim
E nem a lua dos loucos me joga mais seu clarão

Tem dia que a cachaça desce ainda mais amarga
Para levar seu dia-a-dia de máquinas
Levando nas costas a desumanizadora carga.

Tem dia que a dor está obstinada a te vencer
E este dia, meus caros, este dia
É que o cabra escolhe para morrer.

Cael Soares


When I wanted to walk
They cut my legs
So learn to fly
When I wanted to be free
They imprisoned me
So learn to sing

When I wanted to sing my freedom
They silence my song
So learn to dream

When they wanted to destroy my dream
They killed me
So I survived in my poetry

Cael Soares

A Picture, a world

Resultado de imagem para deficiente que teve sanfona roubada ganha novo instrumento

I see a man
He is a sad man or his happiness doesn’t exist in this world
I see other men too
They don’t see the sad man
They don’t want to see
They are not interest

The modern world doesn’t have eyes for a sad man
But the sad man doesn’t see people too
He can’t see this world
The world that he sees is another
He is blind
He is playing music from his world
His fingers press the accordion’s key
Is that play the own soul in melody?

It’s a sad song of a sad man
The people be afraid to see their reflect on this man
He is the mirror of humanity
This is a sad world that doesn’t want to listen to this song,
It’s music

Cael Soares